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Starley: Не пропустите новое обновление! Много-много фоток Лоры и еще кое-что интересное. Маша! Большое спасибо за обещанный фанфик! Читаешь и видешь это все. Словно сам сидишь перед экраном и ждешь одного единственного письма, которое может изменить всю твою жизнь. Потрясающе! Маш, спасибо!! :)!!

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Starley: К сожалению наша Манечка приболела. Лежит бедняга с температурой и больным горлом и не может сейчас ничем нас порадовать. Желаю Машуне скорейшего выздоровления!! Поправляйся!!

Дик: Маша. Не так давно ты высказала предложение отвести страничку сайта под творчество его посетителей, не связанное напрямую с Керри. Если у тебя еще есть желание, время и свободное пространство, твое новое произведение идеально бы подошло для такой премьеры. Конечно, тебе решать, как его издавать, но не хотелось бы, чтобы оно было размещено на сайте, название которого большинство из присутствующих даже не знают.

Мария: Дик пишет: Маша. Не так давно ты высказала предложение отвести страничку сайта под творчество его посетителей, не связанное напрямую с Керри. Если у тебя еще есть желание, время и свободное пространство, твое новое произведение идеально бы подошло для такой премьеры. Конечно, тебе решать, как его издавать, но не хотелось бы, чтобы оно было размещено на сайте, название которого большинство из присутствующих даже не знают. Ой... даже не ожидала такого предложения! Так лестно, что ты считаешь фанфик по бразильскому мылу достойным публикации... Я бы и сама, конечно, хотела, чтобы фанфик прочли как можно больше людей, но... он же все-таки отношения к Лоре и Керри не имеет. Я могла бы создать страницу такую, но только если я там не буду куковать со своим фанфом в горьком одиночестве:) Кто-нибудь имеет еще какие-нибудь (желательно литературные) творения, которые я могла бы выложить на сайте? Только не стесняйтесь:)) Я смотрю, народ совсем пропал Вот стоит Маше заболеть, как к не к кому становится возвращаться:) Подтягивайтесь:) Дик, раз уж ты подкинула такую идею, побалуешь, может быть, нас каким-нибудь рассказом?

Дик: Ну почему куковать в одиночку? У меня сейчас нет ничего, что было бы не стыдно разместить рядом, но у нас много талантливых людей, чьи интересы очень разноплановые. Да и ты еще что-нибудь напишешь. Ведь никому не секрет, что одним из немаловажных факторов популярности сайта среди подобных ресурсов является характер и литературные способности его Админа.

ИрМа: Привет всем, давно меня сдесь уже не было! Я успела по всем соскучиться На работе запарка, к компьютеру уже недели две не подхожу Рада, что Маша выздоровела Больше, Маш, не болей!!! Как же мы, без нашей то Маши Раз наша атаманша уже выздоровела, то теперь, надеюсь, с новыми силами возьмется за сайт и за обновления которые, как всегда ждем с нетерпением

жданова: Мария пишет: Я смотрю, народ совсем пропал Вот стоит Маше заболеть, как к не к кому становится возвращаться:) Подтягивайтесь:) Машенька, мы никуда не пропали Просто навалилась бОООООООООльшая куча проблем, которые только-только удалось разрешить, да и то не все С прошлого твоего обновления удалось только просмотреть замечательные новые клипы, а вот до фанфиков уж и не знаю когда доберусь Ведь судя по сообщениям - это настоящие шедевры

Lubasha : жданова ИрМа да уж. забыли вы нас забыли. Но рада, что вы не потерялись совсем в своих делах. Вылезайте давайте уж.

ИрМа: Lubasha Lubasha пишет: Вылезайте давайте уж. Ну вот и вылезла)))) Наконец-то Пересмотрела и перечитала все прошлые обновления Огромное всем спасибо С нетерпением буду ждать новых Lubasha пишет: забыли вы нас забыли Ну, память конечно уже не та, что раньше , старость, понимаешь , но о вас я всегда помню и при малейшей возможности сразу мчусь на форум Жалко, что последнее время такие возможности выпадают всё реже , но я не отчаиваюсь))))) Пусть редко, но всё-же с вами

Starley: А мы все ждем обновлений от нашей дорогой Машеньки!

Мария: ИрМа пишет: Ну, память конечно уже не та, что раньше , старость, понимаешь , но о вас я всегда помню и при малейшей возможности сразу мчусь на форум Жалко, что последнее время такие возможности выпадают всё реже , но я не отчаиваюсь))))) Пусть редко, но всё-же с вами ППС (или ППКС??? вот что значит, захотела выпендриться ) - недавно почерпнутая мною из инета мудрость, которая обозначает не "предменструальный синдром" как мы могли бы подумать, а вовсе даже "подписываюсь под каждым словом" Я сама не могу так часто, как раньше, появляться на сайте, но душой я тоже всегда с вами:)))) Вот такая у нас коллективная форумская душа

Мария: Starley пишет: А мы все ждем обновлений от нашей дорогой Машеньки! Ну так хорош ждать))) Дорогая Машенька изволила обновиться

Starley: Мария пишет: Дорогая Машенька изволила обновиться Машенька, спасибо за отличное обновление!!! Столько всего нового и здоровского! Фанфики!Клипы! Спасибо всем авторам!!!

железная леди: Мария пишет: Дорогая Машенька изволила обновиться Ты как всегда вовремя обновляешься)))))))))) спасибо)

Katherine: Удалось наконец-то найти время для того, чтобы посидеть у компьютера не для работы, а для отдыха. И первым делом сразу на этот сайт, а здесь ОБНОВЛЕНИЯ УРА!!! СПасибо Маше за то, что ей удалось найти время и обновить сайт, и СПасибо ВСЕМ авторам за их творения, благодаря чему сайт может обновляться! Теперь будет чем заняться на выходных

жданова: ИрМа пишет: Пусть редко, но всё-же с вами Эт точно Мария пишет: Я сама не могу так часто, как раньше, появляться на сайте, но душой я тоже всегда с вами:)))) Вот такая у нас коллективная форумская душа Форумская душа?! Очень радует, что на форуме все так же "тепло и уютно" .

жданова: И от меня еще раз спасибо всем авторам творений и Машуне, выложившей обновления на сайте

Starley: Точно-точно!! Еще раз большое спасибо Машеньке и всем авторам!!

Olenka: Все обновления замечательные! Фанфики как всегда на высоте! Особенно Дик(чувствую появился у меня новый любимый автор)))), и продолжение от Че! Клипы очень понравились, особенно Машин.Ну люблю ястарую СП... Спасибо, Машеньке!

Ella Lorina: Обновления просто замечательные! Машуля,спасибо тебе огромное! Спасибо всем авторам за их труд и замечательные произведения!

ИрМа: К сожалению, не так много времени на ознакомление с обновлениями(((( Но я медленно, но верно продвигаюсь к финишу И, конечно же, огромное спасибо всем, кто творит для этого сайта ...да и творит вообще Ну а благодарность Машеньке вообще не имеет границ и пределов))) СПАСИБО!!!!!!!!!!

Дик: Olenka пишет: Фанфики как всегда на высоте! Особенно Дик(чувствую появился у меня новый любимый автор)))), Спасибо. А какие у тебя творческие планы? В расмках перевода ты никогда не ограничивалась одной парой. Можно ли и сейчас ждать что-то необычное?

Olenka: Дик даже не знаю что на это и ответить... Планы-то есть,но вот с осуществлением небольшие проблемы... А про какую бы пару тебе хотелось прочитать? Вопрос кстати ко всем формчанам)))Я и правда пока не знаю, что выбрать

Дик: Olenka пишет: А про какую бы пару тебе хотелось прочитать? Не секрет, что мне давно хочется прочитать фанфы о Керри и Сьюзен, но это на уровне фантастики, конечно. В этих вопросах решать тебе и только тебе. Но спасибо, что поинтересовалась.

Olenka: Ну почему же на грани фантастики?Есть такое дело в моем архиве))) Я правда на днях думаю выложить кое-что, правда совсем далекое от фанфика))) (Если наменя не обвалиться толпа друзей, которые еще и с ночевкой приедут...)

Мария: Olenka пишет: Я правда на днях думаю выложить кое-что, правда совсем далекое от фанфика))) Ммм... заинтриговала-заинтриговала Олюнь, ты хоть намекни??? А то изведусь в конец Дик пишет: хочется прочитать фанфы о Керри и Сьюзен Ой, был у меня любимый фанфик... кажется, мне его Зоя в свое время дала прочитать. Естественно, я его читала в транслитном жутком переводе... Вот, даже не поленилась, нашла название - Harlequin By Scott J Welles . Ни на что не намекаю, но у меня даже сохранился текст на английском И, девочки, всем спасибо за ваши теплые слова Не поверите, как мне приятно! Знаю, что совершенно по-хамски пропала, но столько всего случилось за это время, и все связано с работой Во-первых, у нас случился настоящий потоп! Потом прошла нереальная конференция (приехало под тысячу человек), а дальше - ну как в плохом кино - совершенно внезапно, как говорится, откуда ни возьмись, на пороге рабочего кабинета возникли люди и объявили, что вот прямо сейчас начнут ремонтировать вздувшийся паркет и испорченные потолки В общем, в спешном порядке пришлось эвакуировать вещи. Воть... зато какое-то время могу посветить сайту. Что тоже хорошо))) Как Зоя чувствую себя бл... ..удной дочерью

железная леди: Мария пишет: Вот, даже не поленилась, нашла название - Harlequin да я кстати тоже в первую очередь подумала именно об этом фанфике. Фанфик был просто шикаРРРный.

Дик: Olenka пишет: Есть старая притча: Пришел как-то Человек к Мудрецу и сказал ему: -О, Мудрец, научи меня отличать истину от лжи, красоту от безобразия. Научи меня радости жизни. Подумал Мудрец и научил Человека танцевать. Ой, вот смотрю и не обращаю внимания. Ты часом не увлекаешься творчеством Ф. Ницше? Уж очень с "танцем" Заратустры сочетается.

Olenka: Нет, не увлекаюсь, я просто танцую. О Ницше знаю ровно в пределах программы курса по филосифии в универе(весьма и весьма размыто))). А притчу эту мне давно-давно рассказала моя хореограф(черт, как рода-то сочетаются????).

Мария: Дорогие девочки Простите мое отсутствие(( Был загруз на работе, а потом я заболела. Но при любых обстоятельствах (кроме совсем уж КРИТИЧЕСКИХ ) в воскресенье вечером обещаю обновление сайта))) Надеюсь, вы еще не отчаялись его дождаться

Katherine: Мария пишет: Был загруз на работе, а потом я заболела. А сейчас со здоровьем все нормально? Но при любых обстоятельствах (кроме совсем уж КРИТИЧЕСКИХ ) в воскресенье вечером обещаю обновление сайта))) Надеюсь, вы еще не отчаялись его дождаться УР-А-А ОБНОВЛЕНИЯ!!!! ЖДЕМ-с

Yally: Всем привет! Я давно читаю ваш форум и сайт, но только сайчас удалось зарегистрироваться! Спасибо огромное Маше за все обновления и вам за то, что вы все такие классные и вас так интересно читать :-) Надеюсь, что буду тут почаще отписываться. P.S. Сорри, что немного не " в тему". Как я буду смотреть сериал в 4 утра(в завтрашнего дня показ на НТВ) - я не представляю) Наверное, поступлю также, как и все - просто скачаю)))

железная леди: Наверное, поступлю также, как и все - просто скачаю))) просьба не обобщать!!!!!!!!!

Olenka: Машенька! Спасибо за обновления!! А я как раз хотела тебя (вас всех) спросить, не надо ли интервью перевести... *Есть приступить к выполнени перевода))))*

Мария: Olenka Олюнь, а у тебя есть транскрипция? А то у меня тут *совершенно случайно * припасен рояль в кустах:)) На всякий случай! September 20, 2001 Guests on this program were: Laura Innes Dennis Prager Peter Greenberg Transcript of the show POLITICALLY INCORRECT on September 20, 2001 Panel Discussion Bill: Let me introduce our panel for tonight. A group of thoughtful people. I'm so glad they can join us. You all know Laura Innes from "ER," her work as actor and director. I always thought when she came on our show, no one better to have here on a night like this. Peter Greenberg is the travel expert for the "Today" show. I've been anxious to have you on here.\E and Dennis Prager, I was on your show today. You are syndicated all over, KRLA in Los Angeles, and I appreciate you giving me some time today. We'll get to our problems here on "Politically Incorrect," but we need to put things in perspective. This is the problem that we face in America, which is the most important problem, of course, and President Bush, we just watched him speak here. It's about 7:00 here in California. What did you think of the speech? Dennis: I wrote a few phrases down while driving. Thank God I'm alive to tell you about it. The -- Bill: But you weren't on a cell phone? Dennis: That is correct. Exactly, that's the point. To me, the key line, and there were few, you are either with us or with the terrorists. That's it. The -- there's no, well, we don't want to alienate our citizens. We don't want to alienate anybody. The president of the United States has announced if you are not with us, you for a hostile regime. That's powerful stuff, and that's why the world is now on notice. That is the notice that needed to be said. I loved his tone. He didn't yell, didn't scream. He was very methodical. I love that about him. And I think a lot of Americans who didn't vote for him will come to like that over time, the calm and resolve that he really has. Bill: Okay. [ Applause ] I agree. Laura: You know, I think that one thing that makes this very difficult is that here we all sit talking about this -- and I am far, far, far from an expert, I'm an actress on a TV show -- And I'm very happy to give my opinion, but we all sit here kind of in terror of being perceived as unpatriotic, as uncaring. Bill: Tell me about it. Laura: But my response to that particular quote, you are either with us or against us, my reaction was, I admired his strength. I feel myself to be enormously patriotic. I am incredibly grateful to be a citizen of this country. But I am so afraid of the kind of polarization of that kind of remark because there are -- it's such a complex situation. Dennis: Why is it complex? We were invaded? Laura: Because who is the enemy that we attack and how do we attack them? And there are ways in which countries will contribute that the public at large will never know about, in covert ways, in ways that they must react with information, with -- what I'm trying to say is I think there are many, many ways that this problem has to be approached. And they don't fit into the paradigm that we are used to constructing for warfare. [ Applause ] And I don't pretend to understand them, but I fear that kind of didactic. Peter: The problem is we don't live in boundaries or borders or ideologists. We live in -- I wrote down "patience" and "justice." He's setting us up for a long haul. He doesn't want to be penalized for delay of game. America wants an immediate reaction now and may not get it, because it's going to take that long to figure out who they are.

Мария: Bill: And I think we sort of primed the public a little too quickly. I think this speech was a little bit of his way of saying, you know, calm down. Yeah, wanted dead or alive, but not tomorrow. Because you can't keep people in a frenzy. And they are in a frenzy now. I mean, there is some crazy stuff going on out there. Dennis: There is some crazy stuff. But I got to say if I may, I think that the American people, as a generalization, 250 million of us, are remarkably calm. We have been invaded for the first time in -- since the war of 1812 on the mainland. Citizens have died in the thousands. Think of how we reacted to Oklahoma City. This is what, like, 25 Oklahoma cities? We know for a fact that there are people living amongst us who want to do this again to us, to plant bombs wherever Americans convene to kill as many of us as possible. Given the numbers of American and given the wound we have endured, I think that there is little frenzy. I think there is great calm. And I am proud to be an American. I go one step beyond that. I don't think we are calm as much as withdrawn. because everybody made the reference to Pearl Harbor. I think that was a mistake, because when Pearl Harbor happened, nobody traveled in this country, it was 6,000 miles away. Unless your child was in the military, you didn't have a point of reference. Everybody's seen the World Trade Center, or some of us have been there. We've all been on airplanes, and sometimes -- at least between September 11th and today, everyone of us, either consciously or subconsciously, put ourselves on that plane, put ourselves in those towers. Most of my friends right now are depressed. They're not calm, they're depressed. Bill: Exactly. It's like when someone dies in your family. People react very strangely to death. And this is a death in our nation, among our nation. And people are reacting. I do not agree with you, that we are in some sort of a calm. I mean, yes, there are some extreme examples that you hear about -- the man who shot the Sikh because he had a turban on. And that poor guy -- a Sikh is not a Muslim, he is not one of our enemies, and I'm sure he was there, saying, "Please, I am not a Muslim," and the guy was like, "Close enough, buddy." Dennis: That's true, but -- Bill: Hysteria. Dennis: Yes, that is hysteria. That's why I said there are 250 million of us and there's precious little hysteria. If -- let me tell you something -- Bill: Well, that's not the impression I got today. Dennis: In your case? Bill: Yes. Dennis: In your case, I think there has been some hysteria, and I will return to that. But let me just say again about Americans, there is very little -- and I want you to imagine if this happened in another country. Imagine, for example, that in Indonesia, a group of Christians in the name of Christ slaughtered 6,000, 7,000 Indonesian Muslims. Do you think the Christians in Indonesia would fare as well as Muslims in America? It is not -- I mean, it's a rhetorical question. One doesn't really have to answer it. Even, I believe, in Europe. I believe if such a concerted slaughter, proportionate, in France or Belgium or elsewhere, would have happened -- Bill: But we are better, and we should be better. Dennis: Okay, that's fine. That's all I want to say. Bill: It's like the people who said yesterday, "Well, the stock market only lost 7%." Only? Yes, it could've been worse. Of course. It could always be worse, but how about those people for cowards? How unpatriotic, people who went out and bought the flag and then sold their stocks, who don't salute the red, white and blue, they salute the Green. [ Applause ] Anyway, let me take a commercial, and we'll come back. [ Applause ] Bill: Okay, we're back, and I've said each night on this show, we leave that chair empty this week for Barbara Olson, who was supposed to be a guest of ours -- [ Applause ] On Tuesday. And -- who was on one of the planes. So we are in tribute to her, and we cherish her memory and her friendship, and when she was on our show, we always loved having her. The other thing I wanted to address, because this truly may be one of the last times I have to talk to my audience, is that we disagree on the hysteria. I think there is some. But I do want to thank all the people today who called with support. I truly did not know until today the kind of love -- and this is from regular people, important people, people in the press -- I did not know the kind of love that was out there for what we do. Unfortunately, it was brought about by hate. And -- but I just want to say that if destroying this show would provide a venting for the anger out there, I would gladly do that for my country in its time of need. [ Applause ] I have said many times on this show that I am a hill-of-beanser, which comes from "Casablanca." Remember in "Casablanca," he said, "The problems of three little people in the world don't amount to a hill of beans." And I've always said that this country could use a little more of that attitude. And any TV show is truly a hill of beans. But I don't think that some of the hysteria -- and there is some hysteria out there, Dennis -- I don't think that is a hill of beans. The guy who was in the emergency room and started to strangle his Pakistani doctor, the Congressman who wants to check everyone with a diaper on his head. There's a list of songs, including "Imagine" and "Bridge Over Troubled Water" that we're not supposed to play on the radio. You know, my producers, who I love, and who always think of the show first, they think that the most important thing to me is this show, but it is not, it never has been. The most important things are honesty, my bond with that audience, who have always counted on me never to pull a punch, and I hope I have never let them down -- [ Applause ] And my country. My country is a lot more important to me. And I may have spoken insensitively in these sensitive times. And I told the military, who -- if anyone watches this show over eight years knows I've been the biggest military supporter there is. We probably argued about it. We probably agreed about it. And I'm sorry, truly, if they took it the wrong way, but Dinesh D'Souza and I, who's a conservative, by the way, we were not trying to do anything but be patriotic. And we were saying, "If you want to stick your head in the sand and say everything's perfect and just hold hands and sing 'God Bless America,' nothing is gonna change, and then people will have died in vain." We were saying, "Don't do that, do the patriotic thing, call attention to what has been the problem in the past and how do we fix it in the future." That's what we were doing, and if we have to go down for it, so be it. [ Applause ]

Мария: Dennis: Let me -- I had you on my show today, of course, as you made reference to. And I, very objectively, frankly, analyzed the text. I didn't hear it, but I did read it. And I read it to my audience and to you. And I found your defense quite reasonable, to be honest, and I said on the radio and I'll say on your show, that the last time I was on, which was not very long ago, you -- and I even said, sitting in that seat -- "I can't believe you and I are agreeing on this." You were fervent in your defense of Ronald Reagan, in your fighting communism. The Vietnam War, you said, is what ultimately led to the collapse of the Soviet Union. This was coming from a man associated very often with views left of center. And so I will say that from my knowledge of what you have said, you are not -- and I would put my credibility on the line here, which is -- all I have is credibility, any of us has -- that you have never said anything anti-military in my experience on this program. Bill: Not even a little. [ Applause ] Peter: And you know what, it's not even about anti-military, it gets down to a definition of terms. You know, we live in a world of revisionist history, and in these very jingoistic times, you have a situation where, who are the freedom fighters? Are they the terrorists who won the war? Who are the terrorists? Are they the freedom fighters who lost it? Who are they? It depends on how you look at things and from what perspective. I think that's what you were talking about. Dennis: No, no, wait. In his defense, no, he's not. He wasn't making it relative. You're making it relativistic. I think there is a definition to the different -- a freedom fighter is one who fights for freedom. People who blow up children at pizzerias in Israel or airplanes in America are not fighting for freedom. That's not a relativistic -- that's a fact. Peter: But if you look at history, I have to differ with you. You take a look at the Israelis in 1948 who blew up the King David Hotel. You cannot tell me that they were just freedom fighters. They were, from their perspective, but I'm not gonna argue who's right or wrong. Dennis: Wait, wait, wait, wait. But that's revisionist history. They called up the hotel, which was not a hotel -- Peter: They made a reservation, what'd they do? Dennis: No, don't make jokes. It was a place for British soldiers. It was not a hotel. It was a place where British soldiers stayed. They were fighting for independence. They warned in advance that there will be a bomb in that hotel, and it is one example. Every country has one example. But Israel is not personified as a state that attacks civilians as such. Peter: We're not arguing that. Bill: That's not what we were talking about. We were just saying if you want to underestimate this enemy -- you know, Hitler was called an evil genius. And nobody gets on you for saying, "Well, what are you doing calling Hitler a genius?" No, no. We're just saying, beware. Because evil combined with genius -- and we were saying, you know, Barbarians are they? Yes. Moral cowards are they? But not cowardly in that they're gonna take this fight to us, so we had better change our ways. 'Cause the way we have been fighting them before wasn't getting the job done. [ Applause ] Peter: Whether you like it or not, these guys are smart. Bill: They are smart. Peter: They are smart. These guys -- you know, this is not an accident. These guys picked those four planes very specifically. They were the first planes out of the day, less subject to delay. They were fully loaded with fuel. They were bombs ready to happen. And, interestingly enough, these were planes that each, because they were leaving the first flights of the day, they overnighted in their respective airports the night before. Who had access to those planes? They had inside help. This is not an accidental moment here. They planned this. They were smart. [ Applause ] Laura: Well, I don't think that anyone would disagree with that, or anyone would disagree with how horrific this is and how diabolically ingenious and unimaginable. I'm more curious about the reaction that you got, and how we as individuals and as a country are responding in a way that I really want to understand. Because I want to understand why this, too, has to separate us. When actually, we seem very much in unison. I mean, one of the things that I've never experienced in my lifetime is such a sense of unity in this country. And even in the midst of that, people able to disagree. So while -- it's hard to articulate, but while it feels like such a complex and agonizing problem and people can disagree, I'm still amazed and astonished at how extraordinary it is to be here in this time and see how amazing it is to be an American. Bill: You took exception to something the president said tonight, which I think you have every right to do. And there are people in this country -- lots of them -- right now, who will say, "You shouldn't have done that. He's our president -- " Laura: But that's what makes this country so amazing. Bill: Exactly. I understand that, Darling. Laura: Is that I'm able to say that. Bill: You don't have to tell me. Laura: And because I'm not -- and I'm saying I stand behind him 100%, but let's examine this in the most complex, wide, challenging way because that's what it calls for. And also, let us not constantly spin things into a language that defines it and defines you and defines me. Because the problem is too big for that. Bill: That's right. Laura: It has to be challenged in every possible way. Bill: Okay. I have to take a commercial, we'll be right back. [ Applause ] Bill: Okay, speaking about hysteria, Peter, you just mentioned marriages and engagements up 250%. Peter: Well there's no middle ground here. People are either -- I know people who were, like, dating last week. On September 12th, they moved in. Because they wanted to be close. No, it's true. Bill: Or they broke up. Peter: Or they broke up. There's no middle ground. Bill: All right, now, I want to get to your issue, which is airline safety. But before I do, as a way of getting into it, I want to say that about two days before this awful event happened, I saw a little box in the corner of "USA Today" with a chart, and the chart was "What teachers spend for supplies for their own students." And I'm like "Why are teachers with their crappy, crummy salaries out-of-pocket buying supplies for the students?!" [ Applause ] And what is the connection? The connection is we don't wanna pay. We're greedy, we have been greedy, and we need to change that. We don't pay the military enough, we don't pay our teachers enough, and we certainly didn't pay for enough airline security! [ Applause ] And that's the problem, right? Peter: Well you'd be surprised. To tell you the truth, we have been paying for it. Every time you buy an airline ticket, 10% of that ticket goes to the aviation trust fund. It's now over $14 billion. It's designed to improve airport facilities and improve airport security. And it's never been tapped by Congress, because every year they use it to "balance the budget." We're taxed for it, where's the representation? The money's already there. Bill: Wow. [ Applause ] I did not know that. Dennis: The parallel is interesting, because the truth is, the money is there for education. But we have so many administrators. This country spends more on education percentagewise -- let alone absolute numbers, than almost any society on Earth, including most West European countries. We have so many administrators in our system, and that's a big part of the reason teachers don't get more. We do spend a lot, just like we spend on security. It just doesn't go where we pay it to go to. Bill: But how do we get it to where it's supposed to go? Peter: Well first we gotta establish what kind of security we want. Traditionally airport security was a psychological deterrent against truly emotionally disturbed people. That was it. Now, when we live -- guys, it's true. And now when we live in a world where they're training their children to be martyrs. When people are willing to die for their cause, the rules of the game have changed. You gotta go from a psychological deterrent to a physical deterrent. That's where we are right now. [ Applause ] Dennis: Let me ask you a question. I agree with that. But here is an example of where there is a little hysteria, now that you mention it. Bill: Oh, now you see the hysteria. Dennis: Aside from your issue, which I agree is overdone, absolutely. I don't understand. And maybe there's an answer. I have raised this on my show now for the whole week. No one has explained it. Why is there no curbside check-in? Peter: I'll tell you why. When you use skycaps as your first line of defense, what kind of questions do they ask you? They might as well say to you, "Did you pack your bomb yourself?" "Has the bomb been with you all the time?" Dennis: What do you think they ask you at the counter? What my IQ is? It's the same thing. Bill: What a joke that all is. "Did you pack your own bags?" "You got me, it was Osama Bin Laden, he packed my bags today." [ Laughter ] "That's right, sorry." [ Applause ] Dennis: It's a joke no matter who asks you. Why does it matter who asks you? Peter: The reason why there's no curbside check-in is they don't want people to drive anywhere near the curb. Right now they're keeping everybody away from the perimeter of the airport. Bill: They gotta do a lot more than that. We gotta take a break. [ Applause ] Bill: Okay, we just have a few seconds. Answer me one thing. Why can't they lock that door in the cockpit like a bank vault, and nobody -- when the plane lands, they come and unlock the door? Peter: Rhetorical question. They can. Bill: Yes, they can, right? Like a bank vault, so that nobody could get in there. They don't have to have the stewardess bring them lunch. Throw a sandwich in before the plane leaves. [ Laughter ] [ Applause ] All right, thank you very much. We'll see you tomorrow. [ Cheers and applause ]

Мария: Дура, на фига я выложила, когда у меня есть работающая ссылка Видимо, заработалась я сегодня http://www.geocities.com/~dvadi/pi/pi_09202001.html вот она:))) Оленька, ты такое сокровище!!!!!!!!!!!! Спасибо)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Мария: Katherine пишет: А сейчас со здоровьем все нормально? Спасибо:)) Да помаленечку))) Кашлеется пока и сопливится))) Но жить буду

Мария: Yally пишет: Всем привет! Я давно читаю ваш форум и сайт, но только сайчас удалось зарегистрироваться! Спасибо огромное Маше за все обновления и вам за то, что вы все такие классные и вас так интересно читать :-) Надеюсь, что буду тут почаще отписываться. P.S. Сорри, что немного не " в тему". Как я буду смотреть сериал в 4 утра(в завтрашнего дня показ на НТВ) - я не представляю) Наверное, поступлю также, как и все - просто скачаю))) Привет!!!!!!!))))) Ух ты! Нашего полку прибывает Добро пожаловать)))) Очень приятно познакомиться))) железная леди пишет: просьба не обобщать!!!!!!!!! Зой, если ты не сможешь скачать, а серии выложат в сети, я смогу тебе скачать и отослать))) Если тебе захочется

Starley: Машенька!!!! Спасибо большое за обновление! Спасибо всем авторам за новые фанфики!!!! Обновления просто здоровские!

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