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Lubasha :

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Lubasha : erfan4life 15 мая 2006 "laura was on a radio station this morning in my area which made my very happy and she said that over the years pretending to have the limp that it did cause her to have permenet damage to her hip.i hope that know that she had surgery that will help her deal with her problem."

Lubasha : http://www.breastcancer.org/dictionary/LauraInnes_c.html здесь можно послушать, как Лора произносит мед. термины

Lubasha : TVGuide.com. House exec producer Katie Jacobs revealed that Joel Grey will guest star in next season's third episode as a "scientist who wants the right to die. He hopes that House will grant him his wish." The episode is being directed by ER vet Laura Innes. ------------------------------ 3 серию 3 сезона еще одного популярнейшего медицинского сериала США "Дом" будет режиссировать Лора .

Lubasha : Не совсем новость о Лоре, но думаю, что вам будет интересно. Элизабет Митчелл в новом 3 сезоне "Лоста" ("Остаться в живых") сыграет новую любовь Джека (непонятно, но кажется, что она будет на острове. а не во флэшбеках). Самое интересное, что Лора в сериале "Великолепная пятерка" тоже играла его любовь))) Вот так и пересекаются Керри и Ким)))) Jack's New Lost Love Is Found Elizabeth Mitchell has joined the cast of ABC's Lost as a possible new love interest for Matthew Fox's Jack, Reuters is reporting. Mitchell's credits include playing Angelina Jolie's lady lover in Gia, and Carrie Weaver's lesbian love interest on ER. As Lost exec producer Carlton Cuse recently told the Ausiello Report, "I wouldn't call [Season 3] the season of sex, but I will say that romance will play a much more active part of the show this year," adding that one of the new females was earmarked to figure into the Jack/Kate romance. Earlier this week TVGuide.com learned that Rodrigo Santoro is joining Lost in a mystery role, leaving one announced new character still to be cast.

Мария: Да)) Вот такое пересечение с "Лостом"! Как все-таки хорошо, что нам его показали (а что не успели, то по оперативному компенсировали пираты )! Кстати, в этом же сериале уже играла "бывшая любовь" Керри Уивер. И я сейчас говорю не про доктора Джека Эллис Вест - единственный "незакадровый" мужчина (если не считать один поцелуй с экзотическим Млунгизи) Керри - тоже снимался в "Лосте"! Он отрастил бороду, слегка "возмужал", но остался обалденно клевым мужиком)) Хи, по моему скромному мнению И он еще появится в 3 сезоне "Лоста"! Так что - осталось только переселить Керри Уивер из больницы на остров)) Что-то мне подсказывает, что там у нее много знакомых

Lubasha : Только косвенно касается Лоры Иннес, но все же. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/08/21/AR2006082101792.html The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) заявила 22 августа, что по их подсчетам в этому году гей и лесби персонажей будет на один меньше (9) ,чем в прошлом. (10) . Из дейсвующих ,которые вернутся этой осенью всего лишь 3 : Керри Уивер (ER) , Эндрю Ван Де Камп ("Отчаянные домохозяйки") и Оскар ("Офис"). , а остальные 6 являются новыми персонажами .

Lubasha : http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/tm_headline=er-doc-s-done-my-back-in-&method=full&objectid=17992370&siteid=94762-name_page.html 26 October 2006 EXCLUSIVE: ER DOC'S DONE MY BACK IN By Pete Samson ER star Laura Innes yesterday told how 10 years of playing limping Dr Kerry Weaver has damaged her spine. Laura, 47, is now having treatment on her back. She said: "My real back was getting screwed up. "I got a bone density test and the bottom of my spine is starting to curve on one side from 10 years of raising my hip. "I've just started going to the chiropractor. I don't need an operation." Lesbian Dr Weaver has had a hip replacement op in the US hospital drama on Channel 4 and no longer uses a crutch. But Laura has found it difficult without it. She said: "It was totally weird. I didn't know what to do with my hands. "I felt very selfconscious. For a couple of episodes I certainly felt like I needed my crutch. "But now I like it for a couple of reasons. "One, it's fun to have the freedom with my hands and two, my real back was getting screwed up."

железная леди: One, it's fun to have the freedom with my hands

Вишенка: Может кто-нибудь переведет...?

железная леди: Вишенка пишет: Может кто-нибудь переведет...? переводила на скорю руку) Звезда Скорой помощи – Лора Иннес, вчера рассказала, как играя 10 лет персонажа с хромотой, повредило ее спине. Лоре 47 и сейчас она лечит спину. Она говорит: моя спина начала болеть. Мне сделали костевой тест (на плотность костей как я поняла) и оказалось, что низ позвоночника изогнулся на одну сторону, от того что я 10 лет приподнимала одно бедро при хождении. (искривление видимо, по-нашему) Я просто начала ходить к костоправу, мне не нужна операция. Лесбиянка доктор Уивер, перенесла операцию на бедро, в драме о госпитале на Channеl 4, и больше не пользуется костылем. Но Лора признается, что без него трудно. Она говорит: Это странно. Я не знаю, чем занять руки. Я чувствую себя очень неудобно. В паре эпизодов я действительно чувствовала, что мне нужен мой костыль. Но сейчас мне нравится это по нескольким причинам. Первая - это забавно, что у меня свободны руки, и второе – моя спина начинала болеть.

Вишенка: Спасибочки!

Dintrinity: да большое спасибо Всем за то что всегда выкладываете что-то новое, и отдельное спасибо что находятся добрые люди, которые переведут

Мария: Lubasha Спасибо большущее за статью!!! железная леди И, Зоенька, тебе спасибо за оперативный перевод! Как на счет того, чтобы я взяла его на сайт?

железная леди: Мария пишет: Как на счет того, чтобы я взяла его на сайт? буду только рада)

Мария: железная леди пишет: буду только рада) Как только, так сразу! Буду пытаться выложить как можно скорее)) Спасибо!

Lubasha : мини-интервью в австралийском TV Week от 6 ноября 2006 Emotional crutch For 12 seasons, we’ve seen Dr Kerry Weaver walk with a crutch but, after her recent surgery, the long-time ER character takes her first steps without it this week. “It’s been handled very well because they talked about the fact that this is very much a part of who she is,” says Laura Innes of the decision to get rid of Kerry’s walking aid. “Everyone else is going, ‘Oh, how great. You don’t have to have the crutch,’ but she’s saying, ‘Yeah, but this is who I am – this is part of me.’ It feels like stripping away the character more and more.” Laura also jokes that she was surprised when her character’s ailment was mirrored on another medical drama, House. “Oh, when they stole that from us?” she laughs. “I just thought it was funny – another cranky doctor with a crutch. Where’d they get that idea? The characters and show are different enough so that it’s funny more than anything else.”

Мария: Lubasha Спасибо огромное, Любаш

Вишенка: Любашь, спасибо, что пополняешь сайт о Лоре!:)

Мария: Вишенка пишет: Любашь, спасибо, что пополняешь сайт о Лоре!:) Спасибо!!! Спасибо!!! Спасибо!!! Спасибо!!! Спасибо!!! Спасибо!!!

Lubasha : Да пожалуйста ,пожалуйста

Lubasha : 15 мая 2006 http://www.pbs.org/kcet/tavissmiley/archive/200605/20060515.html# (внизу нажать на имя) Кто-нибудь может сохранить звук этого тв-шоу "Tavis Smiley"? или перевести транскрипцию этого шоу? http://www.pbs.org/kcet/tavissmiley/archive/200605/20060515_transcript.html#2 Вы бы такую помощь сайту оказали Пожааааалуйста

Starley: Любаш, спасибо!

Мария: Lubasha Какая ты умничка)) Я вчера ночью тоже на эту штуку наткнулась. Думала, где ж ее видела... а потом вспомнила, что ты уже на форуме выложила! Спасибо

Olenka: А вот и перевод этого интервью.

Lubasha : Olenka Супер!!! Спасибо. Токо вот, что за шутки у ведущего и у нее в конце интервью... Обалдеть.

Вишенка: д,я тоже обратила внимание на конец разговора...странновато.

Мария: Olenka Спасибо! Я на сайт беру? Понимаю, что все время это говорю, а результата - чуть)) Но я в состоянии накопления информации Такие переводчики у нас! Просто золото!

Olenka: бери, конечно,только я не помню, я выложила правленный вариант или нет?

Мария: Olenka пишет: бери, конечно,только я не помню, я выложила правленный вариант или нет? Если есть ПОСЛЕДНИЙ вариант, пришли на почту?)))) А?))) И ты мне обещала для фан-арта большие варианты своих красивых работ!!! Не забыла?))) Я жду))))

Мария: Это не совсем "новости", но все же)) Решила разбавить негатив кое-чем экслюзивным Наша Любаша на неделе нашла такое видео, что даже не знаю, как к нему относиться)) Если кто-то посмотрит и прокомментирует, я буду очень рада он-лайн видео Лоры - тут можно его посмотреть. Видео совсем свеженькое... Я такое еще не видела))) И еще на закусочку бонусы к 6 сезону СП. Первые кадры смотреть обязательно! Такое в СП вы еще не видели, гарантирую))) он-лайн видео Алекс Кингстон, Лоры Иннес и др. Любаша, спасибо за то, что ты это нашла

Julia: И я не знаю как относиться Насколько я поняла они смотрели ту серию, где Сенди погибает.. И что за вручение в начале? И причем тут костыль? Но немного нетрезвая Лора- это интересно

Lubasha : Julia пишет: И что за вручение в начале? Может кто-нибудь транскрипцию сделает?

Lubasha : Лора об уходе из СП ER STAR INNES PLANS A LUCKY ESCAPE AFTER 12 YEARS ER regular LAURA INNES will exit the medical drama this season after agreeing to give her unlucky character DR KERRY WEAVER a lucky break - after 12 years. The actress agreed it was time to leave the show last year (06) and has been working with writers and producers to make sure her beloved character isn't killed off. She says, "We talked about how it should wind up... I said, 'Please don't kill me off - throw me down an elevator shaft or have a helicopter fall on me. Please don't do that.' "I said I'd really like it for this character who's had such a difficult time - sort of like one tragedy after the other - to have a happy exit. I won't give it all away but she has these opportunities come up and has these realisations that she's allowed to have a happy life and she chooses that." Innes is trying not to think about her exit but admits she'll find it tough to say goodbye to the show. She adds, "It's gonna be pretty surreal not to be coming to work every day." But she won't be gone for long - and plans to revive her character in future episodes: "I am coming back to direct an episode in March (07) and there's some talk of coming back next year and doing some acting episodes but that's all up in the air." www.contactmusic.com/news.nsf/article/er%20star%20innes%20plans%20a%20lucky%20escape%20after%2012%20years_1018512 ------------------------------ Question: Is Laura Innes really leaving ER?— T.B. Ausiello: Yes. Her swan song is tomorrow night, so get the Kleenex ready. And come back to TVGuide.com Friday morning to read Ileane Rudolph's exclusive interview with Innes. In it, she reveals why she's checking out of County General and what's next on her plate. (Hint: It involves Aaron Sorkin.) по последнему сообщению, в пятницу утром в ТВ Гиде будет эксклюзивное интервью Лоры насчет решения уйти из СП и планов на будущее.

железная леди: Lubasha пишет: But she won't be gone for long - and plans to revive her character in future episodes: "I am coming back to direct an episode in March (07) and there's some talk of coming back next year and doing some acting episodes Вот эти слова по крайней мере, вселяют крохотную надежду увидеть ее еще хотя бы один два раза.... но вот это but that's all up in the air." как то эту надежду тут же отбирает. хотя..по мне так уж лучше..отрезали...и с концами. чем травить душу. надеюсь в своем интервью она что-нибудь подробно откомментирует....

Lubasha : ТВ Гид Laura Innes Reveals Why She's Leaving the ER by Ileane Rudolph It's goodbye to the last remaining — well, almost — original ER cast member. Tonight Kerry Weaver hangs up her scrubs and leaves Chicago's County General for warmer climes (Florida) to deliver medical news for a prestigious TV station. Laura Innes, who has played the irascibly endearing doc for 11 and a half seasons, gives us the dish on why she needs an abrupt exit, her years on the long-running hit show, and what she's up to next. TVGuide.com: Say it ain't so! After nearly 12 years, Dr. Kerry Weaver's leaving County General for good? Laura Innes: Yeah. There's some talk of her coming back a little bit next year, but we'll see. TVGuide.com: In what way? Innes: There's an idea about integrating her new job on the medical show into a story line. Part of that thinking had to do with the fact that next year would probably be ER's last year, but the show's doing so well, I don't know what's going to happen. TVGuide.com: The producers kept your departure awfully quiet. Everyone went, 'What?" when Weaver was fired. Why so under-the-radar? Innes: We decided to just have it be a surprise. It may not have been a smart decision, but it was good storytelling — making it happen the way it might in real life. TVGuide.com: It was left a little vague last week. My colleague's daughter, who's a major fan, said that after watching she thought that maybe you'd still be around in some way. Innes: Nope. I'm in this week's show and have a couple more meaty goodbye scenes to wrap it up. I'm basically doing cleaning-out-my-locker kind of stuff. So one more [episode] for me, and as I said, there's talk about maybe a couple next year, but I [told them], "We'll see if that feels right." TVGuide.com: Why are you leaving in the middle of the season? Innes: There are other big stories happening and... Aaron Sorkin just walked in the room. I'm so sorry, I have to talk to my boss for a minute. [Innes calls back five minutes later.] I'm directing a Studio 60 episode for him. TVGuide.com: Already moving on. Sounds like some other ER characters could be leaving at the end of the year? Innes: That's a possibility. There are a lot of discussions with the actors about what they want to do. They felt, in case there does end up being another departure, that they wanted to wrap me up early. TVGuide.com: How long has your departure been in the works? Innes: About a year ago we talked about it. For the past couple of years, I've been doing half episodes, and I have a directing deal with [ER creator] John Wells. So I've been easing off the acting. This summer we talked about what was going to take place. TVGuide.com: Whose idea was it for you to make your exit? Innes: It was kind of mutual — one of those things where it just feels like you're running out of steam. It's awfully hard to leave this show, though, because it's such an incredible joy. But it seems like [it's] time, doesn't it? I just told them, "I don't want to be sick or die." I didn't want to send this message that this woman who had this history of disability and is gay — now we're going to kill her off. I said, "Let her have a happy end." So I'm happy about that. TVGuide.com: Is that why Weaver had an operation and finally threw away her crutch? Innes: It did feel like the character was shedding some of her hardness and moving on in her life. TVGuide.com: You're not kidding. She gets a glam TV job and a gorgeous girlfriend to boot. Innes: I know. Weaver must be so good in bed! All of her girlfriends are so hot. I definitely raised the bar in the lipstick-lesbian category. TVGuide.com: Speaking of hot girlfriends, do you watch Elizabeth Mitchell, who played your first female lover, on Lost? Innes: Isn't she great? You never know which way she's going to go. [Her character] is this creepy, beautiful lady. TVGuide.com: Over the years, Weaver has been portrayed as abrasive, prickly, intensely ambitious and disloyal. Was playing a bitch fun? Innes: I didn't see her so negatively, because if I did, I might have played her as an evil person. But I remember early on, being in a department store and hearing a woman say, "Oh, I just want to slap her!" That's when I realized this character is going to drive everybody crazy. She's the boss from hell, which was fun to play. But just at the point where you'd want to shoot her, they'd plop in poignant story lines where she'd show empathy, like when I signed with this deaf little girl. TVGuide.com: Do you think it was brave of you to play her bitchy when she was also a role model for the disabled and lesbian communities? Innes: [Laughs] A bitchy role model. But you know what? If I had to choose a doctor, it would be Weaver. Her bedside manner is sometimes lacking, but at least she'd save me. TVGuide.com: Was there a real responsibility being that two-for-one role model? Innes: For the disabled community, it was a mixed thing. To have somebody who's disabled be a very strong, capable person is great, but I'm not actually disabled, so it was this kind of back-and-forth. But I did always feel a responsibility. I said to the writers, "It's OK if I'm the hard-ass, but I hope you always show her being compassionate, because I represent this large group of people." TVGuide.com: And then Weaver came out. How was the reaction? Innes: It explained her avoidance of a personal life. That was my favorite story line. I feel that the producers and NBC didn't really get enough credit, because it was a big deal to have a main character on a mainstream show come out. Some viewers were not happy with that, and my friends said, "People will assume you're really gay." Everyone should get over it. A lot of people do think I'm gay. But for that character, what could have been more interesting to do? TVGuide.com: You're a married mom of two. C'mon, aren't you sorry you never got to kiss George Clooney or Goran [Visnjic]? Innes: How do you know I didn't? TVGuide.com: Did they throw you a big party? Innes: Yes. Everybody came. It was Dec. 6, my last day, after an emotional goodbye scene I had with Maura [Tierney, Abby], who has become a close friend in real life. They put together a reel of scenes and outtakes and because I'd been on the show so long, it was a long reel. They also gave me a framed copy of my very first call sheet. I was something like No. 47 on that — and the past two years, I've been No. 1. It's like I clawed my way to the top of the call sheet. TVGuide.com: How Weaverish of you. So is it Laura Innes, director, from now on? You've directed ER, House and now Studio 60. Innes: I'll definitely keep acting if anything interesting that's not like Kerry Weaver comes along, some hot old chick.... I won't wear a lab coat, and I never want to say, "Pass the CBC Chem 7" again. I would like to do some comedy. I love The Office. TVGuide.com: There are so many former residents of ER out there. Do you ever hang out? Innes: There are! We could start our own show — an alternative universe version of ER. I keep up with Julianna [Margulies] and Gloria [Reuben] and I see Tony [Edwards] once in a while. TVGuide.com: Any last words to your fans of 11 and a half years? Innes: I would just say, "Thank you, thank you, thank you for watching. I have had a blast."

Вишенка: А переводика не будет случайно ни у кого?

железная леди: Tonight Kerry Weaver hangs up her scrubs and leaves Chicago's County General for warmer climes (Florida) стоило мне прочесть это, как тут же вспомнилась ее реплика в 7 сезоне.. -Я всегда мечтала жить во Флориде, подальше от холода и снега... ирония судьбы, чтоб ее! ненавижу!

Olenka: Вишенка пишет: А переводика не будет случайно ни у кого? будет-будет)может даже к вечеру сделаю)

Olenka: Так вот и обещанный перевод интервью.

Starley: Спасибо за перевод, Оля Права Лора- не стоило делать такой сюрприз для зрителей. и все это таким образом...

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